What is the maximum number of User IDs that can be added to an approver group
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What is the maximum number of User IDs that can be added to an approver group


Article ID: 204130


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


A Endevor approver group can have several User IDs added to them. What is the maximum amount that can be added?


Release : all

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


For a Endevor Internal Approver Group. This being defined only to Endevor. The limit is 16 users. This is also the number of user space that is shown on the Approver Group definition screen in Endevor.


For a External Approver Group. This being a Approver Group define to a external security package like RACF,TSS or ACF2. This method has no limit.