The document Isolation function are experiencing long delay to display the file when access the specific xls data.
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The document Isolation function are experiencing long delay to display the file when access the specific xls data.


Article ID: 204072


Updated On:


Web Isolation


The document Isolation function are experiencing long delay to display when access of xls data.

  • The 4Mbyte of xls will be need 5 or 6 minute to open by document isolation viewer.
  • This site has some extensions files such are csv,xls,pdf but the issue only occur xls.
  • The similar PDF data is quick display if run the document isolation. 


Release :1.14.39+543


This excel file there are (10731 rows * 24 Colums) cells.  The document isolation function check the cells config and display it for client so data is larger than txt data of PDF.
It takes some time to load the large object .


To avoid this long time loading.
Please add policy and document download profile your from your Web isolation web console such a below.

And then modify Download profile for xls and xlsx from View to Scan.