How to print a file in binary format using CA Spool ?
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How to print a file in binary format using CA Spool ?


Article ID: 20404


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How to print a file in binary format using CA Spool ?



Release: CMASLI00200-11.7-Spool-Print Management-Interface for HP Laser


CA Spool can be setup to preserve the original format of the file instead of attempting the default EBCIDIC to ASCII translation. This is convenient for IP devices that expects data to arrive without changes from Mainframe systems. If sending emails with attached .ZIP files the product can be configured to not to perform such translations. Files will be treated as binary and will be sent "as is". Some Print Servers also require data to be sent in EBCIDIC format. The benefit is that Carriage Controls data will also be sent. This in case those characters are needed for special processing at the Print Server side. 

To preserve the original format of the file during IP printing consider using a DESTID to force a FCB name called ASIS:

DESTID QDEST=your_destination_name,FFCB=ASIS

A dummy FCB member called FCB2ASIS must be present in a library that is part of the IMAGELIB DD concatenation of the CA Spool Main task. Same effect can be obtained on files whose LRECLs is greater than 253. Forcing PRMODE=PAGE will preserve the original format of the files and the original LRECL value as well. This sample definition can be used as follows: 

DESTID QDEST=your_destination_name,FPRMODE=PAGE

Consider also review initialization parameters XFEROPT=13 and XEQOPT=9 as other alternatives.