TOMCAT failed with RC=3000 OM Web Viewer 12.1
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TOMCAT failed with RC=3000 OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 204036


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


The production instance of Apache Tomcat® was updated to TOMCAT 8.5.4 and build 206, with passphrase turned on.

After 24 hours, the TOMCAT server failed with a RC=3000, and automation brought TOMCAT back up. Logs show CEE5230S The signal SIGXCPU was received.

Please advise on what to look for to make sure this does not reoccur. 


  • Apache Tomcat®
  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1


CEE5230S The signal SIGXCPU was received message in the Tomcat output indicates a timeout.


In the Tomcat server procedure, in the "//TOMCAT EXEC" statement, the TIME parameter was set to TIME=1440.
The change was followed by a restart of the Tomcat server, and there were no further errors.