UVMS on Linux: How to change the user starting UVMS
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UVMS on Linux: How to change the user starting UVMS


Article ID: 204022


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Our environment consist a UVMS release 6.4 that we are upgrading to 6.10.51

But we need to change ownership from root to a non-privileged user like univa.

How can we achieve that?


Release : 6.10

Component : Univiewer Management Server



1. First, it would be adviced to upgrade UVMS / UVC to a recent version like 6.10.x as root.

2. Then you should create the user and group in the system and allow the ulimit -n of the UVMS user (on this example univa) to be superior to 8000 (ie 8192).

For example add this into /etc/security/limits.conf:

univa hard nofile 8192
univa soft nofile 8192

3.Stop the uvms and assign the UVMS folder and startup scripts or Linux services to the new user/group (univa/univa) while being connected as root:

chown -R univa:univa uvms_folder

4. Then log in as the new user (univa) and start UVMS