IBM (Z-SECURE) have told us their product has identified an exit GSVX0990 on our system
We are just about to activate SMF U86, can you tell me how GSVX0990 will react even if only from a performance standpoint.
Release : 16.0
Component : SYSVIEW
The IEFU86 exit will allow capture of any of the SMF extended-type records.
The SYSVIEW DYNEXIT command display shows the GSVX0990 exit routine is registered for the IEFU83, IEFU84 and IEFU86 exit points for the various MVS subsystems.
Thus it appears that you are running the SYSVIEW Event Capture option.
The Event Capture option uses these exits to be able to capture and log the SMF record types of your choosing.
These would be the SMFDATA and SMFLOG commands..
This would be the same as the IEFU83 and IEFU84 exits which were used to capture the standard type SMF records before.