Post maintenance steps for CCS Tomcat and its USS services.
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Post maintenance steps for CCS Tomcat and its USS services.


Article ID: 203932


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COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS Mainframe Operational Intelligence OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


When, after the installation, additional maintenance needs to be applied to the CCS Tomcat server or one of the USS related services belonging to CCS, like the Message Service Hub, Message Service Server, or ESM Micro Services, you will need to deploy this maintenance from the SMP/E managed libraries to the runtime libraries of these components.

This requires additional job to run which is not always clear what to run from the manuals.

Here some guidance for the steps to take after maintenance is applied via SMP/E and deploying it to the runtime libraries.


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The steps documented in the manuals are for both installation and maintenance. This is somewhat confusing.


When maintenance is performed these steps need to be rerun depending on the components used :

- re-deploy of Message Service Hub, run the jobs MSHDPLOY and MSHMOUNT
- re-deploy of Message Service Server, run the jobs J2ZDPLOY and J2ZMOUNT
- re-deploy ESM Microservice Server, run the jobs ESMDPLOY and ESMMOUNT
- re-deploy of Tomcat, then run jobs TOMDPLOY

No changes should be needed in the provided jobs. Use same values as used when the install was done...The same jobs are used for initial install and for maintenance deployment.

In general, these jobs do a backup of the runtime configuration directory. They then delete the runtime directories and re-deploys the new SMP/E maintained directories to the runtime directories.

At the end it restores the saved configuration directory from the first steps.. 

Additional Information

- Deploy Message Service High Availability Cluster of Hubs for z/OS at the link below:

- the Message Service Server Deploy at the link below :

- ESM Microservce Deploy at the link below:

- 'Deploy CCS Apache Tomcat and Configure Security' at the link below: