Spectrum OneClick console not starting with OpenWebStart version 1.3.0
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Spectrum OneClick console not starting with OpenWebStart version 1.3.0


Article ID: 203927


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CA Spectrum CA eHealth


With OpenWebStart version 1.3.0 we are facing an issue where OneClick console is not starting.

Checking this with the developers of OpenWebStart, we received the following response:

"The error has been introduced because OWS-1.3.0 is less restrictive when validating the jvm-arguments.
This has been a request from different users in the past using java 9 modules.

In your case the JNLP requests a java 1.8 and adds the following jvm-args: "--add-modules=java.se.ee"
This is an invalid combination as java modules (and thus the --add-modules) is only supported with java 9 and greater.

For your JNLP this means you need either to raise the Java version to 9 or 10 (because the module java.se.ee has been removed in 11)
Or you remove the --add-modules jvm-argument"

For testing, we’ve removed the jvm-argument as proposed and the OneClick Console was launching properly and I did not see issues using OneClick.

Can we safely remove this argument from the JNLP?


Release : 10.4.1 / 22.2.6 (and below)

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


SE have explained that there is no impact to using the workaround provided by OpenWebStart. They also explained why you get this error based on the Java version.

This option (OpenWebStart) we provided only to support java9 and java10 in case customers use those. Until the customer uses Java 8 , he can remove the options and use. There will be no impact.

Additional Information

The same problem is also seen with OpenWebStart 1.7.0 and Spectrum 22.2.5.