RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) analysis dynamically generates an RCMTOLR DD statement when the TOLRMSGS MIGRATOR member in hlq.CDBAPARM is set to YES.
Is it possible to control the format of the dataset name that is allocated.
The dynamical allocation of the RCMTOLR dataset always uses the naming format of userid.RCM56XW.Dyyyyddd.jobname.jobnumber
The only available option to override this naming format, is to generate a different high level qualifier, using the HLVLPFIX parameter in the MIGRATOR Parmlib member.
If this does not provide the naming standard you require, for example due to specific naming conventions, then you may want to consider writing the file
to SYSOUT or to a system defined temporary dataset.
For example:
// SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),