Moving from CA Gen Host Encyclopedia to Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) and Reorg requirements
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Moving from CA Gen Host Encyclopedia to Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) and Reorg requirements


Article ID: 203913


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia


We previously had a Reorg run by a DB2 DBA on the HOST encyclopedia before moving to a CSE. This was run every time we delete an existing model or create a new model to ensure space is freed up for any Encyclopedia activity. 
Is there is a defined process for running a Reorg on the CSE?


Release: 8.5, 8.6
Component: CA Gen Client Server Encyclopedia


There is no actual reorg utility/job on the CSE like there is on the HE which invokes the DB2 Reorg utility: CA Gen 8.6 > Encyclopedia > Host Encyclopedia > Host Encyclopedia Administration > Host Encyclopedia Utilities > Reorg

However, running the equivalent reorg for the CSE SQL Server or Oracle database is still important after certain CSE functions which are documented here:
CA Gen 8.6 > Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia Administration > Managing the Client Server Encyclopedia Workload > Specific Encyclopedia Functions in CSE

In general, the CSE database should be treated like any other database in terms of required maintenance to keep the performance optimised and use reorganization tasks etc as required.
For example for Oracle, under normal operations, Oracle files can be configured to expand automatically, because normally data only grows. Oracle has several tools to help reclaim disk space, so please see the Oracle documentation e.g. Oracle Database Release 19 > Database Administrator’s Guide >19 Managing Space for Schema Objects
Deciding whether to reorganize (reclaim disk space) totally depends on the amount of growing and shrinking of the CSE database.  The Oracle DBA should be able to use database parameters to determine the percent free and that should help decide whether to reclaim.  For instance, if there are 20 large models on the CSE and 10 models are deleted, then that may be a reason to reclaim space.

Additional Information

1. See additional advice for SQL Server and Oracle Routine Procedures under: CA Gen 8.6 >Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia Administration

2. There is also the CSE cleanup utility which is documented here: CA Gen 8.6 > Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia Administration > Tune the Client Server Encyclopedia > Perform the CSE Cleanup

3. Q. Before running a DB reorg should all developers need to check-in their subsets? 
A. When checking in a subset, rows are deleted from the DSUBEX table, the subset expansion table. So, checking in all subsets will give the best scenario/result. However, if the subsets are few and small, then the final results may not differ much if they are left checked out.