Error on the upgrade of CA EEM (Embedded Entitlements Manager). We get an error when trying to upgrade to R12:
"CAUAJM_IM_W_110032 A 32-Bit CA EEM server is present on this system. An upgrade of the 32-bit CA EEM Server is not supported on this platform.
The other Autosys components will be upgraded."
The current version of EEM is
Windows 2012 R2 64bit
Release : 12.0
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
EEM is a 32bit application. Later releases of EEM are 64bit only.
On Windows operating systems there is not an upgrade path for 32bit to 64bit.
The only option is to uninstall the 32bit EEM and install the new 64bit EEM.
In order to retain any Dynamic User Groups (DUGs) that have been created in the 32bit install, an export of the policies must be done prior to the uninstall.
Before uninstalling, log into EEM as EiamAdmin to the registered application where you have created the DUGs.
Select Configure / EEM Server / Export Application as below:
Deselect everything but Policies. However, if you use the internal data store and NOT a connection to an external directory (LDAP) server, then leave Users, User Groups, and Folders selected as well. If the EEM server is connected to an external directory, only select Policies and select Export:
This will create a file named application.xml.gz where "application" is the name of your registered application.
Uninstall EEM. To do so, stop the itechpoz and igateway services, open a command prompt using Run As Administrator, and change directory to the uninstall folder -- \EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\uninstall and run the following command:
eiamuninstall -DFORCE_UNINSTALL=true
Once the uninstall is complete, the installation of the 64bit EEM can proceed.
After the 64bit EEM has been installed and the applications registered to EEM, the .gz file can be extracted and you will have a .XML file which should now be moved to the \EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\bin folder.
Open this XML file using a text editor. Verify that the application name is identical to the new registered application name in this new installation. If it is not identical, it must be modified directly within the file before the import. Line 5 of the file is what you will need to verify and potentially modify:
<ApplicationInstance name="WCC12" label="WCC12">
If your new installation used a different application name, please update this line accordingly, save the changes and close the file.
Open another command window using Run As Administrator and change directory to the \EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\bin folder and run the following command:
safex -h localhost -u EiamAdmin -p eiam_password -f abc.xml
Where eiam_password is the EiamAdmin password and abc.xml is the XML file that you exported.
This will import your policies (and users if using the internal user store).
Once this has completed, please log into EEM as EiamAdmin to the registered application and verify that the policies you expect are now present.