System health: failed - Data Source Synchronization - CABI
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System health: failed - Data Source Synchronization - CABI


Article ID: 203798


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


There is System health: failed notification in Performance Management Portal about Data Source Synchronization.



DX NetOps Performance Management 20.2.1


CABI 7.1.1 Data Souce Synchronization Failure


Stop / Start the CABI services. And then performed the Full Resynchronization of CABI Data Source.


Linux OS:

To start CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Server services on Linux OS:

  • If the bundled PostgreSQL database is being used, use the following command to 
    start CABI 

cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/



To stop CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Server services on Linux OS:

  • If the bundled PostgreSQL database is being used, use the following command to 
    stop CABI 

cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/




To start only the CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Tomcat service on Linux OS:

  • Navigate to apache-tomcat/bin directory and run

cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/apache-tomcat/bin




To stop only the CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Tomcat service on Linux OS:

  • Navigate to apache-tomcat/bin directory and run

cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/apache-tomcat/bin




To start only the CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® PostgreSQL service on Linux OS:

  • If the bundled PostgreSQL database is being used, use the following command to
    start PostgreSQL

 (it starts with the postgres account):

su postgres -c '"/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl" start -D "/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/postgresql/data" -l "/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/postgresql/logs/logfile1"'



To stop only the CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® PostgreSQL service on Linux OS:

  • If the bundled PostgreSQL database is being used, use the following command to 

stop PostgreSQL

 (it stops with the postgres account):

su postgres -c '"/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl" stop -D "/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CABI/postgresql/data"'