How can we check if there are devices in CA Performance Management (CAPM) with Change Detection (CD) turned off?
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How can we check if there are devices in CA Performance Management (CAPM) with Change Detection (CD) turned off?


Article ID: 203786


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Adding a new interface to a device but Change Detection (CD) failed to detect it.

This required manually selecting "Update Metric Families" to get the new interface added to the view.


DX NetOps CAPM Release : 20.2 or later


If the following conditions are met, we will disable change detection (CD) on that specific metric family (MF) on that specific device.

When update MF runs (either manually or via change detection schedule), we first discover what VC to use.

We will read the OIDs needed for component discovery.

If we determine that the VC(s) supported changed on the metric family, we kick off a FIRST_VC_Verify stage that runs in 5 minutes from the initial read.

After we get back the OIDs needed for component discovery, we compare them to the existing components.

If we determine this will result in Not Present items being created, we do a SECOND_VC_VERIFY stage that runs in 5 minutes from the first verify.

  • If we determine this will still result in Not Present items being created, we disable change detection.
  • We also do not apply any change/new item info we read during this CD cycle.


To prevent a situation where critical devices are not being updated by change detection, you can check a REST endpoint on the DA to monitor and correct any devices that are disabled:

Replace YOUR-DA with the name of your DA.



<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd">
    <Device.ChangeDetectionDisabledMFs type="CONTAINS">{}</Device.ChangeDetectionDisabledMFs>
  <Select use="exclude" isa="exclude">
    <Device use="exclude">
      <PrimaryIPAddress use="include"/>
      <ChangeDetectionDisabledMFs use="include"/>
    <Item use="exclude">
      <Name use="include"/>


This should return something similar to:

  <Device version="1.0.0">
    <Item version="1.0.0">
      <Name>device A name</Name>

Additional Information


TechDocs : DX NetOps CAPM 22.2 : Device Reconfiguration