[ERROR] [Lucene Merge Thread #0] [Manager] Uncaught Exception in Enterprise Manager: In thread 'Lucene Merge Thread #0' and the message is: org.apache.lucene.index.MergePolicy$MergeException: java.io.IOException: No space left on device
There were about 10m documents + 17m deleted documents not yet optimized, there are couple of Fields with huge amount of Terms (unique value, ~20m):
Indexing this kind of Fields are very expensive, we have option to turn off 2 of them:
The corrids property might be useful during support troubleshooting, you can turn off index on contents to reduce the index size.
Apply below recommendation to all the EMs.
1. Stop EM
2. Delete traces/index folder
3. Add to the <EM-HOME>config/IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.properties file, below hidden property:
4.Start the EM - a new index folder will be created during EM start
NOTE: You can create the index separately and before you start the EM by using the <EM-HOME>/tools/IndexRebuilder tool, please refer to: