Change Personal Default Values for Resource Workloads Portlet
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Change Personal Default Values for Resource Workloads Portlet


Article ID: 20372


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


By default when you go to Resource Workloads Portlet, select 'Configure' option and then 'Time-scaled Value' appears these values as default
Rolling Date = Start of Current Week
Time Scale = Week
Number of Time Periods = 10


If you need to change these values for your own personal configuration, follow this instructions to make a a configuration change in the application.

  1. From the Home menu, go to Resource Workloads Portlet
  2. From the 'Options' Icon (it appears as a 'gear' symbol') Click on 'Configure'
  3. On 'List Column Section' Tab, click on 'Fields'
  4. Allocation [virtual] field, click on Properties icon
  5. Change the values as desired - note allocations are sliced in a limited date range and only go back 2 weeks; be sure not to see the start date too far back
  6. Save


Note: This change only will change the values of the logged user, the others users will continue seeing the default values, namely, is a change by user, not as global setting. To change the configuration for all users, go to the Resource Workloads Portlet definition in Studio Administration.