Can the CA Endevor C1DEFLTS COMPLISTWD keyword be wildcarded?
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Can the CA Endevor C1DEFLTS COMPLISTWD keyword be wildcarded?


Article ID: 203707


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Element listings get written to 2 different Listing libraries depending on the output.

Compiles get written to a STGnLIST library while the Linkedit outputs get written to a STGnLLST library. 

Developers can only see the listing the the STGnLIST libraries because the C1DEFLTS COMPLISTWD=LIST. 

Can COMPLISTWD be wildcarded so both listing libraries can be accessed with the LL command?




Release : 18.0  18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


The C1DEFLTS COMPLISTWD cannot be wildcarded.  If  COMPLISTWD=L* is coded, Endevor treats the * as a static character and not a wildcard character.  It looks for libraries with the exact characters  'L*'  in the last node. 

Code COMPLISTWD=L and when the LL command is entered, Endevor will bring up a selection list of the output components that have  L  in the last node like this:

-------------------------- Listings Selection List -----------  
COMMAND ===> ________________________________________________
  Element Options:                                                 
   L Browse Member                                                 
   Member     Step     Ddname   Dsname                             
- ---------- -------- -------- -----------------------------------
_ MBMBR1      CONLIST  C1LLIBO  uprfx.uqual.env.STG2LIST
_ MBMBR2      CONLIST  C1LLIBO  uprfx.uqual.env.STG2LLST
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