When the AAI admin password is changed from the default password, you must update the servicePass hidden parameter in the AAI Configuration Tool as outlined in the KB articles below:
You will see errors like below repeatedly:
[JawsRestApiCaller] login to JAWS server failed due to JAWS server initializing or incorrect credential, trying again
You will also see the error below in the server.log 24 hours after changing the password or 24 hours after upgrading from a 5.x release.
ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.OperationContextImpl] WFLYCTL0348: Timeout after [86400] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was 'add' at address '[
("core-service" => "management"),
If the password is longer than 25 characters, it will not allow you to save the password.
Release : 6.x
To work around this follow the steps below:
1. Update the service servicePass parameter with a shorter password.
2. Use the query below to update the password directly in the JawsProperties database table, replace your password where you see 'xxxxx'
update JawsProperties set strValue ='xxxxx' where propertyName='servicePass';
3. Restart the AAI Service to resolve the issue.
You may still see a few messages like below, but they should stop after the first few jammer cycle runs:
[JawsRestApiCaller] login to JAWS server failed due to JAWS server initializing or incorrect credential, trying again