Rally: Git Changesets are being associated with some rally items, but not others
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Rally: Git Changesets are being associated with some rally items, but not others


Article ID: 203661


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Git Changesets are being associated with some rally items, but not others.

I am trying to understand why one query succeeds when querying a User Story item, but fails to return anything for another.





"QueryResult": {

"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",

"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",

"Errors": [],

"Warnings": [],

"TotalResultCount": 1,

"StartIndex": 1,

"PageSize": 200,

"Results": [


"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",

"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",

"_ref": "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement/<STORY_OID>",

"_refObjectUUID": "<OBJECT_UUID>",

"_objectVersion": "88",

"_refObjectName": "Test",

"_type": "HierarchicalRequirement"











"QueryResult": {

"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",

"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",

"Errors": [],

"Warnings": [],

"TotalResultCount": 0,

"StartIndex": 1,

"PageSize": 200,

"Results": []






Release : 1.0

Component : Agile Central VCS Connector for GIT


Permissions issue.  Detail below:

My review of the queries found (as you stated):

1.  They are the same with the exception of pulling a different User Story

2.  This leads me to believe that US708888 may have been deleted or may be in a project that was closed.

3.  It may be that the userid being used to run the connector does not have access to that project.

To troubleshoot for this, please login to that workspace in Rally using the userid from the connector and search for US708888. 

If you don't find it, I would recommend that you work with the Subscription Administrator to verify project permissions.  If the userid being used in the connector is not at least a Workspace Administrator, I would be suspicious of permissions.