When an attempt is made to launch OneClick from the OpenJDK JRE a fatal error depicted below is issued and the Java Console complains about bad certificate, among other things. The Java console text is attached as AdoptOpenJDK_JavaConsoleError.txt
Release : 10.4
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER
Suggestion is to use OpenWebstart along with OpenJDK. Openwebstart is based on icetea-web but offers some additions and bug fixes.
To use openwebstart please follow the below steps.
Please use below link to download OpenWeb Start.
I could get it to launch with the below steps
1. Uninstall AdoptOpenJDK if it is already installed.
2. Install OpenWebStart
3. Install AdoptOpenJDK provided by OneClick Server.
4. Launch “OpenWebStart Settings”, go to “JVM Mangager” and ensure your JRE is listed. If it is not listed, use “find local” function or browse to the respective folder where the JRE is located.
4. Disable updates.
5. On the OneClick server, edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/oneclick.jnlp and remove the java-vm-args="--add-modules=java.se.ee" entry.
It's mandatory to do this on the OneClick server. You cannot download the jnlp and edit this locally.
For example:
<j2se version="$$minjre" java-vm-args="--add-modules=java.se.ee" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"
initial-heap-size="$$minmem" max-heap-size="$$maxmem"/>
To be:
<j2se version="$$minjre" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"
initial-heap-size="$$minmem" max-heap-size="$$maxmem"/>
Save the OneClick.jnlp file
6. Click Start Console in the OC Admin page.
7. OneClick will launch using OpenWebStart and AdoptOpenJdk
Alternatively you can always use Oracle JRE latest version from internet. We do not ship oracle with Spectrum now because we don't have license with oracle. But it doesn't stop anyone to use Oracle JRE from internet.