Currently we are running OM Web Viewer 12.1 on a Windows server under Apache Tomcat® which connects to DRAS mainframe to fetch the reports. Is there a recommendation about whether you have any latest version which can run Windows server and we should plan for that.
If yes then which version and how that will more efficient then 12.1? We know there is 14.0 version available but that does not use DRAS so seems that is not compatible with the existing set up.
Whether there is any End of Service announced for 12.1 version.
There is no planned EOS or announced End of Life for Web Viewer 12.1.
Web Viewer 14.0 is the latest version of OM Web Viewer. Web Viewer 14.0 does not run on Windows, It only runs on USS for better performance since it no longer requires the overhead of the DRAS /CCI connection.
Only Web Viewer 12.1 and 11.5 run on Windows. There are no plans for a new version of Web Viewer that will run on Windows.
EOS was announced for Web Viewer 11.5 for October 2021.