Getting 502 status code when navigating -changed to Edge SWG (ProxySG)/ASG using SG Admin Console (SGAC).
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Getting 502 status code when navigating -changed to Edge SWG (ProxySG)/ASG using SG Admin Console (SGAC).


Article ID: 203521


Updated On:


Management Center Symantec Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


You are seeing 502 Status Code when navigating -changed to Edge SWG (ProxySG) or ASG using SGAC

Sample Screenshots



SGAC (SG Admin Console)

Management Center

Edge SWG (ProxySG)



Management Center's ssl-context was change to validate the management devices' HTTPS-Console certificate (e.g Device-Communication ssl-context was modified from "Global Default" to "Default")

Manage device (e.g. SG or ASG) is  presenting a certificate (self signed or signed)  that Management Center unable to verify.

 An MITM (man-in-the-middle) that intercepts SSL/TLS on port 8082 



On Management Center, import root and/or intermediate CA-certificate that signed the  SG/ASG's certificate.  These must be added as well to "Browser-Trusted" CCL


If you don't intend to verify Manage Devices Certificate, set the  SSL-Context back to "Global Default"


IF none of the above applies to you, check your network for potential MITM that may intercept 8082 between Management Center and SG/ASG

Additional Information

When using SGAC, Management Center has the potential to use both ssl-console (port 22)  and https-console (port 8082) to communicate with Edge SWG (ProxySG) or ASG