Running DISK MERGE job CA 1 Tape Management - to migrate tapes (in this case from an IBM TS7760 to an EMC DLM)
CA 1 TMC FLAG3 indicates that this tape volume is not externally managed, or the application which releases the volume cannot be identified as EDM.
If the EDM has correctly relinquished control of the volume, then manually expire the tape in the TMC. If the EDM bit X'20' or FLAG3 is on, the ETM bit X'01' of FLAG2 also needs to be set to allow the tape to be scratched by TMSCLEAN.
Ensure that the EDM definitions in the TMOEDMxx member of CAI.CTAPOPTN are properly set to allow CA 1 to flag the appropriate volumes as EDM controlled during output processing, and to find a matching rule for the assigned EDM when the volumes are released from EDM control.
So if the volser should be flagged as an EDM, then set up DISK in TMOEDMxx.
If not, then for that volser, change the flag settings using TMSUPDTE or online so the tape can be scratched.
Note: Most customers use DISK as an EDM
Refer to Method 1 - CA 1 External Data Manager Interface (EDM) for more details.