In a Hierarchy, when a customer uses "CopyFile", he can see the "CopyFiles" packages on the Parent SMP, under "...\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile", but in some of his Child SMPs, that folder seems to be empty.
Is expected that each Child SMP has a copy of these "CopyFiles"?
ITMS 8.5 RU3, RU4 and later
Child clients are supposed to download packages for "CopyFile" tasks from Child Package Server, but not from Child SMP.
Whenever you execute the "Copy File Task" on clients of the Child SMP, it is replicating including its task instances without replicating the related to it the files in "\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile".
The package created for this "Copy File Task" on parent SMP will be acquired by the Package Server of the Child SMP in context of the "Copy File Task" execution on clients of the Child SMP.
Please note that all replicated tasks to the Child SMPs, are not editable. We assume that on Child SMP, the customer has created the new "Copy File Task", in that case in "\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile" is created the task's sub-folder containing the related files. Please note that previously the random sub-folder name/GUID has been generating for the task in "\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile"; but now ( after 8.5 RU3) you will see the folder name having the GUID of the task.
With our ITMS 8.6 release, during task "Copy File Task" execution on clients of the Child SMP, the files in the task sub-folder of "\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile" on Parent SMP are not copied/replicated to the Child SMPs.
Here is a little bit more information about how "CopyFile" task works:
1. If you use "Access from UNC location", and you are not sure if that UNC location is open to "Everyone", then you will need to add credentials to access the files.
This option doesn't create a "package" on the Parent Package Server nor on the Child Package Server. The replicated "CopyFile" task will access back the source directory that you specified on the task and copy the files directly that way and create/update the folder structure that you designated on the destination path for those systems.
2. If you use the option "Upload from local system", it creates a zip file of the folder on that same source folder, and creates a directory folder under "...\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile\" on the Parent SMP and then unzip the content into that new folder. And you don't need to add credentials here since the download process is done by the package server and client agent.
Then a package is created in the Parent Package Server and to the Child Package Server as well when the "CopyFile" task is replicated.
There is not a copy of the files under "...\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\Deployment\Packages\CopyFile\" on the Child SMP since the files are handled by the Child package server.
If you were to create a "CopyFile" task on the Child SMP using "Upload from local system" option, then that location will be populated by this process as a regular SMP.
One thing to consider, don't keep using the same "CopyFile" task and just adding new "files" to it if that task uses "Upload from local system" option. There are multiple internal processes that need to update the "package" and some items need to be replicated as well. It is recommended to create a new "CopyFile" task when a new set of files are added or run a "Differential Replication" to the Child SMP, make sure the Parent and Child SMPs got the updated package changes after a "Request Configuration" has run. However, if you are using "Access from UNC location" option, then you can still use the same "CopyFile" task since it goes directly to the source location and copies over the files to the destination directory on the system that you are running the task against.