We are using CICS TS 5.4 and CA InterTest-CICS R10. I have installed and will be migrating CA InterTest-CICS R11 to some CICS regions, and we use shared PROTSYM files. If I recompile a COBOL program using CA InterTest-CICS R11, will the symbolics in the PROTSYM file be downward compatible with the CICS regions that are still using CA InterTest-CICS R10?
You can share the Intertest CICS PROTSYM file between release r 10 and r 11. The Intertest CICS r 11 post processing programs(Shipped with FMID CAVHB00 /*Common Symbolic Component ) are downward compatible with Intertest CICS r10.
If you compile a program with r 11 it will work under r 10. We recommend that you use the post processing programs from the latest release if you are going to run r 11 and r 10 at the same time.