When performing the migration from the 3.5 CR17 API(source) Portal to API Portal(target) we are receiving the following errors during the portal migration.
We have attached the catalina log from the source portal along wit the full output from running the migration.
{"error":{"code":"ValidationException","message":{"lang":"en","value":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors."},"detail":{"errorCode":"483","devErrorMessage":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors.","userErrorMessage":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors.","userErrorKey":"error.validation.entity","validationErrors":[{"field":"name","error":"The value for this field must be unique.","key":"error.validation.field.notunique"}]}}}
{"error":{"code":"ValidationException","message":{"lang":"en","value":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors."},"detail":{"errorCode":"483","devErrorMessage":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors.","userErrorMessage":"The request could not be completed due to data input errors.","userErrorKey":"error.validation.entity","validationErrors":[{"field":"ApiIds","error":"Associated APIs of application must be enabled.","key":"error.validation.application.save.apinotenabled"},{"field":"ApiApiPlanIds","error":"Invalid API plan mappings detected. An API specified is not Enabled or valid to select for this Organization.","key":"error.validation.applications.save.invalid.apiapiplan"}]}}}
ERROR: The following script error occured on https://developer.uat.company.com/template_resources/js/papi-migrator/papi-application.js?releaseId=1597081724 618:25
ERROR: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ApiIds' of undefined
Release : 4.5
Component : API PORTAL
root cause for the issue was due to some of the APIs that returned with he error had a different name in the portal from what was in the Gateway.
1. confirm the APIS returned with the error have the same name in the Portal from what was in the Gateway.
If the APIS has a different name when migrating of the gateway data and then attempt to do the portal migration it will fail to enable those APIs due to them not having the correct name and uuid that match which those in the target portal.
2. If the names are different , update in the portal for the names to match the name in the gateway.
Note : migration analysis tool does not pick up on when the API name is different from the API name in the gateway.