When running SiteMinder as IdP and this one is receiving an authnrequest (SAMLRequest) via POST binding.
The request is failing with the following errors logged in the FWSTrace.log:
[10/30/2020][10:05:01][19164][44144][][SSO.java][doGet][No SAMLRequest or SPID parameter in request to SAML2 Single Sign-On Service]
[10/30/2020][10:05:01][19164][44144][][SSO.java][doGet][Ending SAML2 Single Sign-On Service request processing with HTTP error 400]
The SAMLRequest was not properly encoded and could not be decoded using third-party tools (1).
Ask the SP to correct the encoding.
If third-party decoders cannot decode the SAMLRequest, neither will SiteMinder be able to.