IWS scheduler last run time not updating after restarting the IWS Connector 1.10 Service
Release : 6.0.1
When the IWS Connector is restarted it will attempt to process all events files in the Event Path specific in the scheduler configuration.
You may see this take even longer with the IWS 1.10 Connector which will now Pause if it sees files arrive out of order for up to an hour by default, or until it sees the files it expects to process next.
You can adjust this setting by following the steps in this KB article https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=201482
When an event file comes in out of order you will see a message like below in the IWS Connecter *_EV_iwscon.log:
ERROR [c.a.i.i.IWSFileCacheEvents] [XXXXXXXX=XXXXXXX-EV] Files out of sequence detected, holding all events until file arrives, or time:Thu Oct 29 10:42:28 EDT 2020
1. Stop the IWS Connector service
/<Install Dir>/bin/shutdown.sh
2. Verify the tomcat service shuts down fully, if not kill it.
ps -eaf | grep tomcat
3. Move any older events files out of Event path directory to an archive location.
You should only leave events.* files that are newer then the Last Run Time seen in the AAI->Admin->Schedulers tab as well as the last few days track* and cpop* files.
4. Then restart IWS Connector Service the service.
/<Install Dir>/bin/startup.sh
5. When files begin to be read and processed again you will see messages like below for each events file in the *_EV_iwscon.log:
Reading event file:/<IWS files dir>/events.201102.1012 End Time:Mon Nov 02 10:11:00 EST 2020
Converting File:/<IWS files dir>/events.201102.1012 End Time:Mon Nov 02 10:11:00 EST 2020
Completed File:/<IWS files dir>/events.201102.1012 End Time:Mon Nov 02 10:11:00 EST
Once processed by the connector, the events should be pulled it the AAI database's waitingroomevents table, where the AAI Jammer process should process them on the next Jammer cycle.
On the AAI side, you can look in the jaws.log you can look for a message like below to know when it updated.
INFO [JammerManager] Started to run JammerManager sequence 2020/11/02 13:15:13.161
INFO [AbstractIWSJammer] Committing batch for XXXX, last event time: 2020/11/02 13:11:56.003 EST