When launching Symantec Installation Manager (SIM), many features appear to be disabled or grayed out. 
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When launching Symantec Installation Manager (SIM), many features appear to be disabled or grayed out. 


Article ID: 203222


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IT Management Suite Installation Manager (formerly AICM)


When launching Symantec Installation Manager (SIM), many features appear to be disabled or grayed out.  The customer only has the option to "Install new products" among a few others.  When they click on any of the products within the "Installed Products" field, it states that the product is not properly configured and only allows him to uninstall.

When you open SIM, all the "Installed products" appear as "Product is not properly configured" with a yellow exclamation icon. However, the only options that you have is "Uninstall" and "Reconfigure" is grayed out:

The "Repair installed products" option is grayed out:


ITMS 8.x


Some MSIs were not present/installed for the Suite definition to be considered fully installed.


Try the following:

1. Identify if there are products that are missing or not installed / configured. Within SIM main page, try Ctrl-Shift-P. It should show you what MSIs are not installed or what products are not configured. 
For this example, "symantec_workflowdocumentation_8_5_x64.msi" and "symantec_workspacesdocumentation_8_5_ru2_x64.msi" were not installed.

2. Since the "Repair installed products" is grayed out, a repair will not be feasible using SIM. Try to install those missing MSIs manually. From the command prompt running as administrator, run msiexec.exe /i "path to MSI\nameofmissingMSI.msi" SKIPAIM=1

For this example, we need to install "symantec_workflowdocumentation_8_5_x64.msi" and "symantec_workspacesdocumentation_8_5_ru2_x64.msi" :

C:\Users\administrator>msiexec.exe /i "E:\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\symantec_workflowdocumentation_8_5_x64.msi" skipaim=1

C:\Users\administrator>msiexec.exe /i "E:\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\symantec_workspacesdocumentation_8_5_ru2_x64.msi" skipaim=1

While installing these MSIs manually, follow up the screens for the MSI installation (making sure you install those MSIs in the right drive and path)

3. Restart SIM and now you should see that your Solutions appears as installed and configured.