Autosys Job Time Delay Between STARTING and RUNNING
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Autosys Job Time Delay Between STARTING and RUNNING


Article ID: 203182


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent Autosys Workload Automation


We are facing some time delay on Autosys job between starting to running state. Please find below job run details. We are facing the frequently , can you please advice on this. What is causing this issue


Job Name                                                         Last Start           Last End             ST/Ex Run/Ntry Pri/Xit
________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____ ________ _______
CCC_UAT_RLS_PRODUCER02_101Cj_D                                  10/22/2020 08:09:05  10/22/2020 08:09:05  SU    94700931/1 0

  Status/[Event]  Time                 Ntry ES  ProcessTime           Machine
  --------------  --------------------- --  --  --------------------- ----------------------------------------
  STARTING        10/22/2020 08:00:22    1  PD  10/22/2020 08:00:23
  RUNNING         10/22/2020 08:09:05    1  PD  10/22/2020 08:09:05
    <Executing at WA_AGENT>
  SUCCESS         10/22/2020 08:09:05    1  PD  10/22/2020 08:09:07


CCCI_UAT_RLS_PRODUCER02_101Cj_D                                  10/22/2020 09:57:28  10/22/2020 09:57:28  SU    94701580/1 0

  Status/[Event]  Time                 Ntry ES  ProcessTime           Machine
  --------------  --------------------- --  --  --------------------- ----------------------------------------
  STARTING        10/22/2020 09:00:32    1  PD  10/22/2020 09:00:33
  [*** ALARM ***]
    CHASE         10/22/2020 09:56:15    0  PD  10/22/2020 09:56:16
    <CAUAJM_I_50162 Job has been in the STARTING state more than 120 seconds. Manual intervention may be required.>
  RUNNING         10/22/2020 09:57:28    1  PD  10/22/2020 09:57:28
    <Executing at WA_AGENT>
  SUCCESS         10/22/2020 09:57:28    1  PD  10/22/2020 09:57:30


Release: All Supported Versions
Component: Workload Automation Agent


Set communication.transmitter.senderrordelay=5000 and restart the agent.

Additional Information

Specifies the sleep interval, in milliseconds, for the agent. Decreasing the time causes the agent to ping an unresponsive scheduling manager more frequently.
Default: 120000 (2 minutes)