Migration from default to customized value of ARCHIVETRACKBASE name after applying PTF SO15565 in OPS/MVS 14.0
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Migration from default to customized value of ARCHIVETRACKBASE name after applying PTF SO15565 in OPS/MVS 14.0


Article ID: 203125


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


In the OPSLOG ARCHIVE facility, the OPSLOG archive tracking entry base name is hard coded as 'GLOBAL0.ARCH_TRACK.'. PTF SO15565  allows users to specify a custom global variable prefix for OPSLOG archive tracking entries via a new parameter, 'ARCHIVETRACKBASE'.                                             


To contain the old tracking entries info under the new global prefix, there are two options to execute:

  1. Use OPSVIEW option 7.5 to back up the desired old global variable, and then change all the global prefix in the generated rexx program using command “ C ALL ‘old.global.prefix’ ‘new.global.prefix’ ”, then execute the rexx program; or
  1. Run the following rexx sample program: assign the old and new global prefixes to the variables old_prefix and new_prefix at the beginning of the program, then execute it.

****** ******************** Top of Data ***********************
000001 old_prefix = 'old.global.prefix.'      /* <== check */
000002 new_prefix = 'new.global.prefix.'      /* <== check */
000004 old_entry = old_prefix||'ENTRY.' 
000005 new_entry = new_prefix||'ENTRY.' 
000007 old_list = OPSVALUE(old_entry,'L')  
000008 do queued()   
000009   pull subnode  
000010   old_glv = old_entry||subnode  
000011   new_glv = new_entry||subnode  
000012   old_value = OPSVALUE(old_glv,'o') 
000013   new_glv_rc = OPSVALUE(new_glv,'U',old_value)
000014 end      
****** ********************Bottom of Data *********************


Now the new global prefix will have the old entries before it’s used for the next archive.  We assume this transferring global variables finish before the next archive happens so that the records will be continuous under the new global prefix.