You have an old ENFPARM and you are wondering if you need additional DCMs for the CA products:
CA-1, CA-11 and CA-7
Regarding CA-1:
You do not need a DCM. Actually it does not need ENF.
There is only a prerequisite for CCIMVS, when dynamic label printing is requested.
Regarding CA-11:
CA WA Restart Option can optionally create an event so that scheduling products that use CAIENF can identify which subsystem has been
selected for a job.
A Data Control Module (DCM) must be installed to support the creation of this new event.
Two members exist in CAL7SAMP to install the DCM, AL7ENF1 and AL7ENF2:
Regarding CA-7:
In fact, it is optional.
If you are not using CA 7's features such as:
CPM or JFM that uses a ENF Database, then there is no need to install the DCM for CA-7.
* It is recommended that the specific CA Product documentation be reviewed for specific CA Common Services requirements, as the requirements may change with the products release.