Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) Guide
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Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) Guide


Article ID: 202962


Updated On: 01-22-2024


Licensing-CA Licensing - Symantec Products Support Portal


PLA customers can subscribe to the specific products to get downloads and license keys for PLA products. This article will explain the following topics:

  • How to access My PLA Entitlements
  • How to get access to My subscriptions
  • How to Subscribe for PLA Licenses
  • How to get access to My PLA Entitlements


To have the ability to manage ("subscribe to") PLA products, users must have access to the PLA site ID and the Product Administrator role added to their Enterprise Support Portal profile. If you need any assistance in getting access to PLA Entitlements, you can follow the instructions here How to Request the Product Administrator Role to Manage Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) Products

Please contact your User Administrator or the Broadcom Customer Care Team via Live Chat, on the Support Portal or Contact Us page. 

How to access PLA Entitlements

  1. Once you have received the Product Administrator role, log into the Support Portal and click My Entitlements from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you will see three tabs:
    • My Entitlements
    • PLA Entitlements
    • Fulfillment Dashboard (click HERE to learn more)

  2. Click on the PLA Entitlements tab which will provide access to the following: 
    1. My PLA Products - list of all PLA products 
    2. My Subscriptions - list of all active PLA subscriptions
    3. Usage Reporting - list of all PLA products and their associated usage

How to Subscribe to PLA Products

  1. In the My PLA Entitlements, you will see the list of products in your PLA. Expand the desired products, and click Subscribe.

  2. Once the provisioning step is complete, a success message is displayed. You can click on Get License or click on Go to My Subscriptions to view your subscribed products.

How to get access to My Subscriptions

  1. My Subscription tab will display all subscribed products along with links for licensing.

  2. You can also access subscribed PLA products from the My Entitlements tab.


MY PLA Usage

  1. My PLA Usage tab will display a complete list of all subscribed products and their corresponding usage. 

  2. For more details on how the Usage Report can work, you can refer to the document Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) Usage Collection Guide

If you need any assistance, please contact Broadcom Customer Care Team via Live Chat, on the Support Portal or Contact Us.