Finding failures for NimBUS@xxxnimsxx in the emailgtw log. This is not a valid email address, so errors are caused in the logs. We cannot find why an email is trying to be sent to NimBUS@xxxnimsxx. We have searched through the nas and cannot find an Auto Operator with xxxxxx@xxxx in it.
emailgtw: RCPT
emailgtw: 550 5.7.54 SMTP; Unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain
emailgtw: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address
emailgtw: RSET
emailgtw: 250 2.0.0 Resetting
emailgtw: (send_it) smtp_send failed - 554 One or more recipients failed
Another error:
emailgtw: (get_nimuser_addr) error from hub is: invalid argument, retry count is 1
emailgtw: (ht_find_profile) did not find ''
emailgtw: (get_profile_addr) profile not found
emailgtw: (get_nimuser_addr) looking up
emailgtw: (ht_find_profile) did not find ''
emailgtw: (get_nimuser_addr) did not find, checking hub
Release : 20.1
Component : UIM - EMAILGTW
emailgtw - any version
- space in the email address in the nas AO Profile email action
- invalid email address for an employee that is no longer with the company
There were 2 issues:
1) A nas AO profile had a space in the email address and that was causing the xxxxxx@XXXxxxxxx error in the log. In he nas.cfg the AO profile action = EMAIL had “example@<example>.com”. It was corrected to “example@<example>.com”
2) A nas AO profile was trying to send to a defunct email address, for an employee that no longer works for the company.
After the corrections, the errors stopped in the emailgtw.log.