Locate and determine the cause of DB00501E Errors for Datacom jobs
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Locate and determine the cause of DB00501E Errors for Datacom jobs


Article ID: 20280


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CA-11 Datacom/AD Datacom/DB Datacom CA 7 Workload Automation Jobtrac Compliance Event Manager Disk Backup and Restore - MVS


This article provides instructions on how to locate and determine the cause of Datacom DB00501E errors.




Refer to the Datacom/DB Messages , and review the section titled  Datacom/DB  Return Codes when a job fails with a DB00501E error.

Each Return Code is documented with a chart that provides the reason and action which causes or generates the return code.

The DB00501E error will have the following format:


The most common DB00501E errors with their description and probable cause are listed below:   

Return Code: 02 (52) Request was an OPEN and one of the tables is not defined to the Directory or the request was an OPEN and all the tables in the area are being backed up or extracted and are in an a "NOT LOADED" status.
If the table was not defined to the Directory, define the table in Datacom Datadictionary and post the definition to the Directory. If the table name was misspelled, correct the spelling.
Return Code: 25 (20) Request was an OPEN, and the table being opened references a database which is not defined to the Directory.
If an invalid database ID was specified in the request, correct it.
Return Code: 57 (1) The address passed to Datacom/AD in a multi-tasking environment is invalid.
Ensure that the program specifically opens the User Requirements Table if OPEN=USER was specified in the DBURINF macro of this User Requirements Table.
Either the MUF is not up or your CUSLIB is not pointing to the correct MUF.
Return Code: 69 (71) Data in a table cannot be accessed because no current index exists for that table.
Rebuild the index with the RETIX option of DBUTLTY.
Return Code: 85 (2) The job has requested XCF access to a remote Multi-User Facility and there are insufficient tasks defined in the MUF startup option TASKS xcfnumber parameter to satisfy this request.
Return Code: 87 (2) The sender was not included in the XCFFROM list in the DBSIDPR macro.
Recycle MUF after correcting the DBSIDPR parameter XCFFROM.

Return Code: 88 (85)

A database was disabled from being opened by an ACCESS OFF or ACCESS READ console command, the DBUTLTY ACCESSOPTION=OFF/READ DISABLE.  
To enable a database from a user disable, execute either the ACCESS WRITE nnnn console command or the DBUTLTY ACCESS STATUS=WRITE,DBID=nnnn function.