Upgrade of UVMS to v6.10 on Windows with Oracle DB fails
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Upgrade of UVMS to v6.10 on Windows with Oracle DB fails


Article ID: 202764


Updated On: 12-04-2023


CA Automic Dollar Universe


During the upgrade of UVMS to v6.10 on Windows with Oracle DB a pop up appears with the following message:

Error during installation:
Error message = Unable to upgrade datababe to 6.10.01

After restarting UVMS the version is anyway v6.10.41 and two additional tables UNI_TELEMETRY and UNI_UV_USERSETTINGS are not created.

maintenance.log shows the following error:

java.sql.SQLException: Could not commit with auto-commit set on
 at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:4439)
 at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:4486)
 at com.orsyp.central.cli.databasecmd.AbstractDatabaseScript.executeOffline(AbstractDatabaseScript.java:219)
 at com.orsyp.central.cli.databasecmd.AbstractDatabaseCommand.cmdMain(AbstractDatabaseCommand.java:79)
 at com.orsyp.central.cli.databasecmd.RunDatabaseScript.main(RunDatabaseScript.java:46)



Release : UVMS 6.10


So far the issue has only been observed with UVMS on Windows and Oracle on Linux, but this may also happen with UVMS on Linux or Oracle on Windows.


Our Developer are investigating if this is a bug or configuration issue.



Option 1. After the upgrade to v6.10.x has already been done:

Tables can be created manually with the file oracle_v6901_to_v61001.sql that can be found inside the tmp directory of the UVMS installation:


- Stop UVMS

- Run the SQL script in oracle_v6901_to_v61001.sql from SQL developer with the uvms user

(see <AUTOMIC>\univiewer_server\<servername>_MgtServer\data\values.xml under <var id="JDBC_LOGIN">)

- Restart UVMS


Option 2. Before upgrade to v6.10.x or after rollback of UVMS and DB to pre-v6.10 :

- Use ojdbc6 just during upgrade

- If it is not possible to use ojdbc6 and while using a Linux system:

In the uniupgrade script, you can replace:

uniexecute "cd ${KITDIR}/tools;${JAVA_EXE} -cp ${REPCLASSPATH} com.orsyp.central.cli.databasecmd.RunDatabaseScript -debug -plsql -file ${KITDIR}/${DIR_DDAT}/oracle_v6901_to_v61001.sql"


uniexecute "cd ${KITDIR}/tools;${JAVA_EXE} -Doracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false -cp ${REPCLASSPATH} com.orsyp.central.cli.databasecmd.RunDatabaseScript -debug -plsql -file ${KITDIR}/${DIR_DDAT}/oracle_v6901_to_v61001.sql"

Then run the upgrade.



Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version(s): 
Component: Univiewer.Management.Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.61 - Available