Preparing for UIM 20.4 - Helpful Help doc links
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Preparing for UIM 20.4 - Helpful Help doc links


Article ID: 202702


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


This KB Article is provided for all customers requesting access to UIM (DX UIM) version 20.4 documentation / help doc links/urls in preparation for upgrading to UIM version 20.4.


  • Upgrades to DX UIM 20.4


  • Guidance and preparation


Preparing for UIM 20.4

When upgrading to 20.4 it is best to test the upgrade in your Test/DEV environment first if available/possible, so you can test it and then upgrade it to 20.4 in Production.

First, please review the following Tech pages:

What's New in DX UIM 20.4 (

Release Comparison

Supported Upgrade Paths


UIM Compatibility Matrix

Known Issues

Sizing Recommendations

CA Business Intelligence with CA UIM (CABI)


Second, please navigate to the UIM 20.4 installation page and check the installation process steps.

Installing UIM 20.4

Review the upgrading link:

Upgrading to UIM 20.4


Lastly, here are some helpful links:

UIM 20.4 Downloads page

Go to My "Downloads" and set a filter on 'Unified Infrastructure Management'

UIM 20.4 Hotfixes

Release Notes (

UIM 20.4 Reference Architecture

Additional Information

NOTE: The solution and troubleshooting guide attached is for UIM 20.3.x but the steps for the same or similar issues should work in UIM 20.4.



1609959567030__UIM v20.3x Upgrade Issues and Solutions Guide.pdf get_app