Agent backward compatibility to AE
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Agent backward compatibility to AE


Article ID: 202646


Updated On: 10-11-2023


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


Are Automation Engine components (AE) on a lower service pack with Agents on a higher service pack Supported?

Is it okay to have an older major version agent on a newer major version Automation Engine (like 12.3 agents on a 21.0 system)?


Release : 12.3



The norm is that the AE always has the same or a higher Service Pack version to minimize possible issues as this is what Broadcom tests when running regression tests.  We would not recommend having an agent of a higher service pack then AE as we do not run regression tests on these scenarios.

It is generally okay to run older Service Packs of Agents against a newer service pack of the Automation Engine.

It is also generally okay to run older major version Agents that are still under maintenance and Support against newer major versions of the Automation Engine.  Please check the Automation Engine version's documentation for incompatibilities between major versions (for example, 12.x agents must connect to the "old" style 21.0 CP or a TLS Gateway).