JsonPatch Assertion Error when Deploying Container Gateway 10.0 to OpenShift 3.1.1
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JsonPatch Assertion Error when Deploying Container Gateway 10.0 to OpenShift 3.1.1


Article ID: 202619


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CA API Gateway API SECURITY CA API Gateway Precision API Monitoring Module for API Gateway (Layer 7) CA API Gateway Enterprise Service Manager (Layer 7) STARTER PACK-7 CA Microgateway


We are currently in the process of migrating our VM gateways into a new single-instance 10.0 container gateways hosted in OpenShift 3.11 and having some issues:

When loading bundles, there are several issues:

Symmetric Encrypt/Decrypt

10:24:35.636 3255: Policy "AIM-MT: Decrypt CSRF Validation JWT" (#381df6d7c5506c88fc2feditedb1526fe) contains an unlicensed assertion: Unknown assertion: SymmetricKeyEncryptionDecryption
10:24:38.170 No encapsulated assertion config found with GUID 480f6b8b-b83f-405a-a893-92a327303b04
10:24:31.144 3255: Policy "Policy for service #83fd2534ef7918b71010530c536b7b5b, openid-client-register" (#03b65fc4f3e26661401c5bd18edited40e) contains an unlicensed assertion: Code not available for assertion: CustomAssertion

JSON Patch

3255: Policy "Policy for service #e001cfd0c1c1ffaedited87b5e72fdec5, auth/oauth/v2/authorize" (#03b6edited3e26661401c5bd18ee5b5e8) contains an unlicensed assertion: Code not available for assertion: CustomAssertion
{"package":"com.l7tech.external.assertions.gatewaymanagement.server.ServerRESTGatewayManagementAssertion","level":"WARNING","log":{"message":"9050: Error processing management request: \u003c?xml version\u003d\"1.0\" encoding\u003d\"UTF-8\" standalone\u003d\"yes\"?\u003e
\u003cl7:Error xmlns:l7\u003d\"\"\u003e
    \u003cl7:Link rel\u003d\"self\" uri\u003d\"\u003dfalse\u0026amp;activate\u003dtrue\"/\u003e
     \u003cl7:Detail\u003eHTTP 400 Bad Request. Caused by: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element l7:UseCipherSuitesOrder. One of {\u0026quot;\u0026quot;:Extension , WC[##other:\u0026quot;\u0026quot; ]} is expected.\u003c/l7:Detail\u003e



Release : 10.0

Component : API GATEWAY


JSONApplyPatchCustomAssertion-1.0.0.jar (from Arvata) works on Gw10