Having installed Policy Server on RedHat 7, and when the smconsole
starts from the command line, the smconsole can't start and reports
error :
[smuser@mypolicyserver bin]$ ./smconsole
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.getVersion(FontConfiguration.java:1264)
at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.readFontConfigFile(FontConfiguration.java:219)
at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.init(FontConfiguration.java:107)
at sun.awt.X11FontManager.createFontConfiguration(X11FontManager.java:774)
at sun.font.SunFontManager$2.run(SunFontManager.java:431)
Policy Server 12.8SP3 on RedHat 7;
AdoptOpenJDK jdk8u252-b09;
- In the AdoptOpenJDK folder $JAVA_HOME/lib, create a file called
and in this file put the following 2 lines :
- Try removing jre/lib/amd64/libfreetype.so.6 as per this note :
NPE at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.getVersion(FontConfiguration.java:1264) when using install4j caused by font config missing
It means the included jre/lib/amd64/libfreetype.so.6 is not compatible
with system fontconfig. I removed jre/lib/amd64/libfreetype.so.6 and
problem solved.
- Run the command as root :
# rpm -qa > rpm.txt
and attach rpm.txt to the case to see if you have these packages
installed :
NPE at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.getVersion(FontConfiguration.java:1264) when using install4j caused by font config missing
Installing packages fontconfig and urw-fonts on CentOS 6 & 7 fixed the issue.
Using adoptopenjdk/openjdk11-openj9:jdk-11.0.7_10_openj9-0.20.0-alpine-slim
I just had to run :
apk add --no-cache fontconfig ttf-dejavu
On Red Hat 7.7, we first tried the creating fontconfig.properties with no joy.
We had fontconfig installed, but not urw-fonts.
Installing the superseding package urw-base35-fonts resolved the issue.