We are trying to create ODF object mapping as per the KB here and it does not work.
- Connect to Clarity - Administration - Objects
- Create an object called test_idea_sub (subobject to Idea)
- Create a custom attribute called "dummy" - type String
- Now create an object called test_prj_sub (subobject to Project)
- Create a custom attribute called "dummy" - type String
- Create an Idea - go to test_idea_sub List for this Idea, create one instance and fill the dummy field for it with any value
- Now import the XOG attached, ensure it's successful
- Run a select from ODF_OBJECT_MAPPING table and ODF_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING table, note the records are there
- Open the Idea we created previously, Approve and click Convert
- Fill in the information for the new Project, click Save
Now go to the test_prj_sub List for this project
Expected Results: There should be a test_prj_sub created for the test_idea_sub conversion
Actual Results: The subobject does not get carried over to the Project