We notice that NewMM.pl will fail to run, see error and checks below;
[spec_inst@XXXX1416 ~]$ perl /opt/app/spectrum/Install-Tools/PostInstall/NewMM.pl
NewMM.pl is running using out-of-the-box conversion criteria. To specify custom conversion criteria, run NewMM.pl with the `-m' option.
Enter name or IP of VNM Host: XXXX1416
Enter SpectroServer Landscape Handle (Must be in hex): 0x100000
Make sure the SpectroServer is up and running.
You do not have connection privileges to the VNM
machine: XXXX416.
You are using an invalid Landscape Handle: 0x100000.
Tests we completed according TechNote; 32438 & 76493
[spec_inst@XXXX1416 vnmsh]$ ./connect
Starting CLI Local Server VnmShd
SPECTRUM Command Line Interface
Copyright 2020 CA Technologies, A Broadcom Company All Rights Reserved
CA Technologies, A Broadcom Company
One CA Plaza
Islandia, NY 11749 USA
+1 (800) 225-5224
connect: successful XXXX1416
current landscape is 0x100000
WARNING: CLI is a powerful tool that allows a user to make changes
directly to the SPECTRUM knowledge-base without the error checking
provided by OneClick. Please read the accompanying CLI user
documentation before using the create, destroy, or update commands.
[spec_inst@XXXX1416 vnmsh]$ ./disconnect
disconnect: successful from XXXX1416 - connected for 0 hours, 0 minutes
Release : 20.2
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER
The NewMM.pl script must be launched from the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/PostInstall/ directory.
To avoid such error, please follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/PosInstall/ directory.
$ cd /opt/app/spectrum/Install-Tools/PostInstall/
2. Run the NewMM.pl script from this directory:
$ ./NewMM.pl