CADD614E and CADD610E errors on ROOT LDS when appending a CA Dispatch LDS file
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CADD614E and CADD610E errors on ROOT LDS when appending a CA Dispatch LDS file


Article ID: 202412


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


When executing the CADDUTIL utility job to append an additional LDS file, we are receiving the following errors:

CADD601I UTIL Parsing control statements                                                 
CADD602I UTIL : * ----------------------------------------- *  
CADD602I UTIL : * Set the ROOT LDS Reference  *
CADD602I UTIL : * ----------------------------------------- *  
CADD602I UTIL :                                                                          
CADD602I UTIL :   ROOT  DDNAME    = ROOT                                                 
CADD603I UTIL Input complete - processing request                                        
CADD614E UTIL  Open  Error for ROOT     (rc=0008)                                        
CADD610E UTIL Unable to open  Root   LDS ROOT     (rc=0008) 


Release : 11.7

Component : CA Dispatch


These errors are typically caused by not bringing down the CADDSPLx environment tasks (CADZSPLx and CADZSAPx) first, before attempting to execute the CADDUTIL utility job. However, there are other reasons why these errors might be received.


- Appending an LDS file is an 8 step procedure, in which, STEP 3 has you issuing one of the following commands to shut down the CADDSPLx environment: 

* /F SPLx,CLOSE command - (If no ACTIVE SAPI task processing or intercepts). 

* /F SPLx,CLOSE IMM command - (Close Immediate if the dynamic INTERCEPT function is ON and/or there is ACTIVE processing).

  This needs to be done before submitting the CADDUTIL utility job.


- If you are sure that the CADZSPLx and CADZSAP tasks are down, then other possible actions to take when these errors are received include:

  * For the CADD610E UTIL Unable to open Root LDS ROOT (rc=0008) - 

  Action: Verify that the DD statement referencing this file corresponds to a valid LDS.

  * For the CADD614E UTIL Open Error for ROOT (rc=0008) - 

  Action: Verify the DD statement named ddname is related to a LDS file. If needed, contact Technical Support.


- Once the cause of the failure condition has been determined and addressed, you can resubmit the failed CADDUTIL utility job to append the LDS file. 


Additional Information

The 8 step procedure to append an LDS file is documented in a couple places...


- See Article Id: 38691 - Title: How do I append a LDS?

- See "Chapter 7: CADDSPL Operation - Add an Appended LDS" section of documentation in the CA Dispatch System Programmers Guide