Procedure to cleanup and re-deployment the CA 7 Web Client running in USS environment.
Release : 11.3.4 and 12.1
Component : CA 7 Web Client running in USS (unix system services)
1) Stop the CA7WEBC started task
2) Delete all files in directory: <install>/apache-tomcat-8.5.14/logs
3) Delete the entire directory: <install>/apache-tomcat-8.5.14/work
4) Delete the entire directory: <install>/apache-tomcat-8.5.14/webapps/ca7wai_appl
>>>>> DO NOTE DELETE the ca7wai_appl.war file that is located in the webapps directory
5) Restart the CA7WEBC started task
Note: Your apache-tomcat directory name could be different depending on the release you are running.