A batch job completed return code 0000. However, the successor job did not start.
The current status of the job is Awaiting output release.
In this instance the job output showed:
DATA SET IS dsname
Release : 11.0
Component : JOBTRAC
CA Jobtrac assigns this code to an event with successors if its JCL sysout cannot be found, if the maximum condition code is exceeded by a job step or a dynamic schedule
update, or if a catalog error is found on the event's sysout
Issue the 'A' line command and this will release the successor job.
There is some information in the Jobtrac Operators guide which explains when this status can occur.
Output release dependency. This dependency does not affect submission of the event. Instead, it requires verification of the event's output (balance reports,
and so on) after the event completes. No CA Jobtrac-controlled successors to the event can run until the O code is manually removed.
You can assign this code (when using SCL to schedule the event or after the event is on the current schedule), or CA Jobtrac can assign it.
CA Jobtrac assigns this code to an event with successors if its JCL sysout cannot be found if the maximum condition code is exceeded by a job step or a dynamic schedule update, or if a catalog error is found on the event's sysout
see https://ftpdocs.broadcom.com/cadocs/7/k029565e.pdf