""ERROR ACTION_BLOCK_NAME@0000000123,0022020184,123 0 [FEDB/0] [jcc][1083][10403][4.19.77] Illegal conversion: can not convert from "java.lang.String" to "byte[]" ERRORCODE=-4474, SQLSTATE=null
SQLCODE: -4474""
Component : CA Gen Enterprise Java Beans
This problem does not appear to be related to Gen generated Java code nor the Gen Java runtimes.
For the above, an incorrect SQLTYPE is being returned to the DB2 JDBC driver by the DB causing the application error. In this scenario, the character column is defined as a string in the Java code, and it appears that an incorrect SQLTYPE may be getting returned causing the attempted conversion to byte.
Referred to IBM Support - details of a final resolution to follow.
Deployed the same application onto JBOSS EAP using the same JDBC drivers.
When tested from SOAP UI, able to retrieve all the data correctly.
After looking more into the WebSphere Application Server DB2 logs, the main driving READ EACH is on a Table-1 which has a Fieldproc column and a second READ, on another Table-2 which also has a Fieldproc column and also has a relationship with the Table-1 using the Table-1's Fieldproc Column. This flow fetched the results correctly for the 1st row in the Table-1's READ EACH. However when the program is processing the 2nd row from the result set, the READ on Table-2 is failing. Therefore, this appears to be a WebSphere Application Server specific issue.