Unable to resize the base/delta librarty dataset of C++ type, shows dataset in use by Endevor Web Services STC.
Command ===>
Data set 'iprfx.iqual.STG1.BASE'
is in use by the following 1 user(s) and/or job(s):
Release : 18.1
Web Services has STC pooling enabled, PoolReapTime and AgedTimeout set to zero in Endevor.cfg, this settilg allows active STCs to remain in the pool indefinitely, for any C++ element action using REST API (ZOWE, VS code), base/delta library for C++ type is forever locked by Web Services STC.
Option 1: Disable STC pooling, that is to set PoolMaxSize to zero in Endevor.cfg, STC gets shutdown once web services finish processing the request.
Option 2: With STC pooling enabled, set None zero value to PoolReapTime and AgedTimeout in Endevor.cfg - For example, STC pool maintenance monitoring thread.runs every 180 seconds, STC remains in existence for at most 1020 seconds (1200-180=1020) before being shut down.
With both options, STC gets shutdown by the Web Servcies configuration (after a short period of time), and dataset is no longer locked by Web Services started task.
STC pooling parameters in configuration file
Endevor Web Servics use non-system LX in the STC, the ASIDs should become reusable again once the STCs terminate.