After an unexpected reboot of the Secondary SpectroSERVER system, the following error is seen when trying to restart the SpectroSERVER process:
ERROR: This application has been started using a Spectrum database
which was not gracefully closed. The application will now shut down
to allow you to load and initialize a previously-saved good database.
Could not open the database. VNM exiting.
How to restore the the database on the Secondary SpectroSERVER
Release : Any
If Fault Tolerance was already established between the Primary and Secondary SpectroSERVER systems, run an Online Backup from OneClick and this will resync the SpectroSERVER database between the Primary and Secondary SpectroSERVER systems.
If this does not resolve the issue, re-establish Fault Tolerance from scratch following the directions in the "Establish Fault Tolerance" section of the documentation.