Working on an install of Common Services 15.0. Have applied the base install and all available maintenance.
Noticed that there are no CCCS* datasets created during the install.
Release : 15.0
Missed the install of the LEGACY paxfile
The CCCS* libraries are associated with the LEGACY paxfile. This is separate from the BASE paxfile.
The LEGACY paxfile is named E11802AW011.pax.Z and contains the following components:
These are unchanged from the previous release of Common Services, so no requirement to reinstall unless you want everything under the same SMPCSI.
The existing CCCS* libraries can be used going forward.
The current LEGACY paxfile will contain maintenance through CARS1802.
The sample JCL to complete the install is included in the same SAMPJCL file that was used for the BASE install. The members begin CCS*.