UNIX Job failed with the error message below in the report log
2020-08-31 02:58:05 - U00020408 U02003043 Le champ 'execle()' dans l'entete de message n'est pas valable.
2020-08-31 02:58:05 - U00020206 Variable '&ERROR_LINE#' was stored with value 'U02003043 Le champ 'execle()' dans l'entete de message n'est pas valable.'.
2020-08-31 02:58:05 - U00020408 RETURN CODE IS
2020-08-31 02:58:05 - U00020408 0000000000000210
Release : 12.2
Troubleshooting steps:
The UNIX job gets started correctly (a child process with pid 27864 is created):
MAIN-THREAD 20200831/025805.823 process_aktj 'start_job() ended normally,pid : '27864'
but later it ends with 210 code:
MAIN-THREAD 20200831/025805.857 process_job_sigchild: exit code 210 for process 27864
This return code is received from the OS. Since the job is calling another script, the error most likely came from from the script in the background, but not Automic, as the fork completed successfully. If this issue reoccurs, please provide the following:
-The strace result using the agent's process and its listener process
strace -tt -ff -o strace_process.out -p <agent process ID>
strace -tt -ff -o strace_listener.out -p <agent's listener process>
-The agent's log and trace files. Please make sure that the rolling trace is enabled and these traces: