CA View - Back-Leveled Database Receives SARPAC15 Errors
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CA View - Back-Leveled Database Receives SARPAC15 Errors


Article ID: 201921


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Deliver View


With a View database at level 11.7, and with code level 14.0, when a SARPAC is attempted to be run, the job fails with RC=0016 and message "SARPAC15  Database at incorrect level for this release".  

An attempt was made to version the database to level 14.0, and a subsequent SARPAC had the same result.

What is suggested can be done?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The highest code level that will accommodate a View 11.7 database is View 12.2.

The lowest level database that View 14.0 code will accommodate is a View 12.1 database.

Accordingly, a View 11.7 database is too low a level for View 14.0 code to work with.

Using 14.0-level code, a View 11.7 database can be SARDBASE VERSIONed to level 12.2, which is then compatible with View 14.0 code.

If there are View 12.2 libraries available, it is suggested to do a SARDBASE OLOAD, to load compatible panels to the database.